Attorneys, tax advisors, real estate and relocation professionals, present practical strategies to move abroad with tools to evaluate and improve your options.

This workshop describes the legal and organizational steps to make a move, or to improve life for those already living abroad. This workshop presents all the common issues in a nutshell with range of case studies. The other workshops present refinement of this material and special topics.

Strategies we cover include:
    A theme will be identifying your strategy, looking at alternatives, and refining your plan...

    You'll also receive: a few sample documents, our relocation modeling spreadsheet for your personal use, access to a moderated Discussion Forum, and a private personal consultation.

    This workshop will be offered regularly, according to interest. If you sign-up once, you can sit-in on future sessions.

    We provide educational materials to help people live well abroad.

    This website does not provide legal or accounting advice for any particular situation. Use of the website, including conversations within our online systems, does not constitute an attorney-client relationship. Overall, living as an expatriate can be challenging, some elements can be complex and opaque, and your results may vary from those of others. Please see our Terms of Use for additional information.


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